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New Release | Nemba Intenso, Burundi

Nemba Station is in the northern province of Kayanza. This washing station participates in several farmer outreach and support projects that strengthen cooperatives and improve yields within the producing community.

Not only is this the first year we have purchased from the Nemba Washing Station, this yeast-inoculated coffee is a step in a new direction for the Seven Seeds sourcing team. Nemba Intenso is produced using specially formulated yeasts to promote the creation of enhanced deliciousness during fermentation. You can expect a decadent espresso with a juicy sweetness and tea-like qualities.


Nemba Intenso, Burundi - Seven Seeds

The LALCAFÉ INTENSO™ yeast was developed for coffee production over four years of research and trials. It works by controlling the fermentation process against the risk of spoilage microorganisms, and its specific metabolism promotes the lot’s natural fruit forward profile.

Due to several significant internal and external factors, we have yet to be able to establish a continued relationship with a producer group or exporter from Burundi. In the last two years, we have made it a focus of our sourcing strategy to partner with exporters like Sucafina to establish relationships at origin and our goal is to cement a long-term place for Burundi on our menu.

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